The funds will be allocated to the construction of an independent organic waste treatment line and the automation of the MSW process and selection lines. The Environmental Complex already had a BIOGASNET circular economy pilot plant from the LIFE Program of the European Union.

Madrid, January 26, 2023.

The Miramundo Environmental Complex – Los Hardales managed by the Cádiz Biorecycling Society, made up of companies GS Inima and Sacyr Circular and the public entity Consortium for the Management of Urban Waste of the province of Cádiz, will receive 3,081 million euros of financing from European funds.
These funds obtained will be used to invest within the entity's Modernization and Economic Viability Plan, which will be carried out in two stages. The first of the subsidies is intended for the construction of an independent line for the treatment of bio-waste (biodegradable organic waste that has to be deposited in the new brown container) of the consortium municipalities. For the treatment, a completely independent system from those that currently exist will be put into operation, with the aim of producing high-quality compost through the treatment of organic waste in three different areas: pre-treatment and selection; composting and refining.
The other aid is destined to the automation of the process lines and selection of urban solid waste. The current installation for the treatment of this waste is manual, so the objective of this project is to automate the classification systems for recyclable materials and thus comply with the new regulations, which require certain recovery rates for material susceptible to be recycled. It is estimated that this improvement will facilitate the recovery of some 60.000 tons of recyclable material per year. The execution of these projects will start in March 2023.


GS Inima Through the Bioreciclaje de Cádiz society, it also participates in the LIFE BIOGASNET project, which demonstrates a profitable technology with a low carbon footprint for the improvement of biogas, in order to promote the use of biogas as a sustainable energy source and reduce the carbon footprint of the energy cycle by promoting the concept of circular economy.
The project promotes an innovative technology for the biological desulphurization of biogas by coupling a nitrification bioreactor with an anoxic biotrickling filter in the gas phase or an anoxic bioscrubber. The developed technology presents potential environmental advantages compared to current practices, since it can reduce the environmental footprint by up to 55% by reducing carbon dioxide emissions and waste generation.

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