It is a facility with a treatment capacity of 41.274 m3/day for 148.000 equivalent inhabitants, which includes anaerobic digestion and energy recovery.

The Board of Directors of Sociedad Mercantil Estado Aguas de las Cuencas de España (ACUAES) in a session held by its Board of Directors at its meeting on March 30, 2021 has awarded the “Operation Services of the Segovia WWTP” to the Union Temporary Business GS Inima Environment, SA – Ciclagua, SA for an amount of 2.278.282,77 euros (VAT included) and an estimated contract value of 4.410.818,85 euros (VAT included). The participation of GS Inima Environment, SA is 50% and the duration of the contract is 2 years with the possibility of semi-annual extensions up to 4 years.
It is a facility with a treatment capacity of 41.274 m3/day for 148.000 equivalent inhabitants, which includes anaerobic digestion and energy recovery.