Spain, May 9, 2023.

GS Inima strengthens its consolidation in São Paulo, Brazil, with the achievement of the complete concession contract for water and sewage treatment in the city of Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, for a period of 35 years.

GS Inima Brazil, subsidiary of the Group GS Inima, leader in the sector, was awarded last Friday, April 28, the concession to offer the water and sewage treatment service to the city of Santa Cruz das Palmeiras for a period of 35 years.

The new company, called Palmeiras Saneamento, is a consortium between GS Inima Brasil and Construtora Said, which will serve a population of approximately 34.000 inhabitants and involves carrying out various improvements, with an investment plan of 83 million reais, equivalent to 15 million euros.

Faced with a scenario of water shortage, rationing periods and interruption of supply of up to 12 hours a day, the city council began the process for granting sanitation services, where a Municipal Sanitation Plan was created. GS Inima Brazil, which already provides quality services to cities in the region such as Ribeirão Preto, Mogi Mirim, Luis Antônio and Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, he proved his expertise and know-how by knowing the real needs of the city and be part of the concession procedure.

It was a long process until the contract was signed. At all times, GS Inima Brazil demonstrated knowledge, interest and commitment, understanding local demands and the situation of the entire water supply and wastewater treatment process. In this scenario, a detailed technical plan was prepared on the sanitation of the city, in addition to the direct and indirect benefits linked to the population and the environment, among which stand out the water security of the city, the improvement of the quality of life, the improvement of health and well-being.

Legitimacy of the process

Five companies participated in the tender for the concession of public drinking water supply and sanitary sewage services, where the Consortium GS Inima – Said introduced the best plan for the city of Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, which contemplated the best technical proposal, in addition to the best financial proposal, with the highest discount in the rate required in the public call among all the participating companies.

 Socioeconomic development

This new contract demonstrates the GS commitment Inima with the communities where it operates, and with the provision of water and sewerage services with excellence and quality, essential to guarantee health and preserve the environment for the socioeconomic development of the municipality.

Likewise, the concession will provide a positive impact in the community, with the hiring and training of professionals locally, promoting the growth of the local economy.